Tutorial: use DeepProg from the docker image

We created a docker image with deepprog python dependencies installed. The docker image (opoirion/deepprog_docker:v1) can be downloaded using docker pull and used to analyse a multi-omic dataset. Alternatively, DeepProg image can be installed using the Singularity container engine.

Installation with docker or harmony

Docker or Singularity needs to be installed first.

# Using docker
docker pull opoirion/deepprog_docker:v1

# Using Singularity
singularity pull docker://opoirion/deepprog_docker:v1
# After singularity finishing pulling he image,  A SIF image (deeprog_docker_v1.sif) should have been created within the local folder

The version of the package installed correspond to the versions described in the requirements_tested.txt. Thus, they are NOT the most up to date python packages, especially regarding the ray installed package (installed version is 0.8.4). Since ray is used to configure the nodes, memories, CPUs when distributing DeepProg in a cluster, the API to use might differ with the most up-to-date ray API.

Alternative Image with R libraries

We also created a docker image containing R and the survival R dependencies (survival, survcomp, and glmnet) installed. This image can be used with the option use_r_packages=True. However, this version is signficantly larger (1.3GiG) to install.

# Using alternative docker image with R libraries installed
docker pull opoirion/deepprog_docker:RVersion1

# Using Singularity
singularity pull docker://opoirion/deepprog_docker:RVersion1

Usage (Docker)

the docker container needs to have access to three folders:

  1. the input folder containing the matrices and the survival data

  2. the output folder where will be generated the output file

  3. the folder containing the DeepProg python code to launch

 docker run \
      -v <ABSOLUTE PATH FOR OUTPUT DATA>:/output \
      --rm \ # remove the container once the computation is finished
      --name greedy_beaver \ # Name of the temporary docker process to create
      deepprog_docker \ # name of the DeepProg docker image to invoke
      python3.8 /code/<NAME OF THE PYTHON SCRIPT FILE>


  1. Create three folders for input, output, and scripts

cd $HOME
mkdir local_input
mkdir local_output
mkdir local_code
  1. Go to local_input and download the matrices and survival data from the STAD cancer here http://ns102669.ip-147-135-37.us/DeepProg/matrices/STAD/

cd local_input
wget http://ns102669.ip-147-135-37.us/DeepProg/matrices/STAD/meth_mapped_STAD.tsv
wget http://ns102669.ip-147-135-37.us/DeepProg/matrices/STAD/mir_mapped_STAD.tsv
wget http://ns102669.ip-147-135-37.us/DeepProg/matrices/STAD/rna_mapped_STAD.tsv
wget http://ns102669.ip-147-135-37.us/DeepProg/matrices/STAD/surv_mapped_STAD.tsv
  1. Go to local_code and open a text editor to create the following script named processing_STAD.py

### script: processing_STAD.py

# Import DeepProg class
from simdeep.simdeep_boosting import SimDeepBoosting

# Defining global variables for input and output paths the mounted folder from the docker image
PATH_DATA = '/input/' # virtual folder. If using Singularity, This  should be the existing path on the machine
PATH_RESULTS = '/output/' # virtual folder If using Singularity, This  should be the existing path on the machine

# Defining a main function
def main():
    processing of STAD multiomic cancer

    #Downloaded matrix files
        'RNA': 'rna_mapped_STAD.tsv',
        'METH': 'meth_mapped_STAD.tsv',
        'MIR': 'mir_mapped_STAD.tsv'

    #survival file
    SURVIVAL_TSV = 'surv_mapped_STAD.tsv'

    # survival flag
    survival_flag = {'patient_id': 'SampleID', 'survival': 'time','event': 'event'}

    # output folder name
    OUTPUT_NAME = 'STAD_docker'
    PROJECT_NAME = 'STAD_docker'

    # Import ray, the library that will distribute our model computation accros different nodes
    import ray

        webui_host='', # This option is required when using ray from the docker image
        num_cpus=10 #

    # Random seed defining how the input dataset will be split
    SEED = 3
    # Number of DeepProg submodels to create
    nb_it = 10
    EPOCHS = 10

    boosting = SimDeepBoosting(
        distribute=True, # Option to use ray cluster scheduler

    # Fit the model
    # Save the labels of each submodels

    # Predict labels on the full (trainings + cv splits) datasets

    # Compute consistency
    # Performance indexes

    # Feature scores


    # Close clusters and free memory

# Excecute main function if this file is launched as a script
if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. After saving this script, we are now ready to launch DeepProg using the docker image:

 docker run \
     -v ~/local_input:/input \
      -v ~/local_output:/output \
      -v ~/local_code:/code \
      --rm \
      --name greedy_beaver \
      deepprog_docker \
      python3.8 /code/processing_STAD.py
  1. After the execution, a new output folder inside ~/local_output should have been created

ls ~/local_output/'STAD_docker

# Output
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  22K Mar 30 07:37 STAD_docker_KM_plot_boosting_full.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 830K Mar 30 07:37 STAD_docker_features_anticorrelated_scores_per_clusters.tsv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 812K Mar 30 07:37 STAD_docker_features_scores_per_clusters.tsv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  16K Mar 30 07:37 STAD_docker_full_labels.tsv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  22K Mar 30 07:37 STAD_docker_proba_KM_plot_boosting_full.pdf
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Mar 30 07:37 saved_models_classes
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Mar 30 07:37 saved_models_cv_classes

Usage (Singularity)

Contrary to Docker, Singularity does not require to mount a specific volume for data sharing and

Then, the DeepProg docker can be invoked using the following command

 singularity run \
      deepprog_docker_v1.sif \ # Path toward the downlaoded Singularity SIF image
      python3.8 <PYTHON SCRIPT>

If we want to use the example script processing_STAD.py described above with singularity, we just need to replace PATH_DATA and PATH_RESULTS with the paths on the machine.

  1. the same methodology should be followed for adding more analyses, such as predicting a test dataset, embedding, or perform a hyperparameter tuning. Also, a better description of DeepProg different options is available in the other section of this tutorial